A reader from Alaska sent along this tranquil South Carolina scene. It looked familiar to us, but does it to you? Where is it? Send your best guess to feedback@statehousereport.com. And don’t forget to include your name and the town in which you live.
Our previous Mystery Photo
Our Feb. 7 image, “The sea life,” was kind of tough because fishing piers along the coast look similar. It wasn’t at Folly Beach, Cherry Point, Pawleys Island, Garden City or Surfside Beach. But several people correctly identified this pier at Myrtle Beach State Park. Congratulations to: Jay Altman and Val Valenta, both of Columbia; George Graf of Palmyra, Va.; Henry Eldridge of Tega Cay; and Don Clark of Hartsville.
- Send us a mystery: If you have a photo that you believe will stump readers, send it along (but make sure to tell us what it is because it may stump us too!) Send to: feedback@statehousereport.com and mark it as a photo submission. Thanks.