Mystery Photo


A dedicated reader sent in this photo of what looks like an old South Carolina church.  Where and what is it? Send your name, hometown and guess to:  

Last week’s mystery, “Fall scene,” showed an old spring house and gazebo at remains of the Chick Spring Resort in Taylors, as San Antonio resident Allan Peel explained: “The Chick Springs Resort was first opened in 1840 and was known to be a summer haven for people seeking the healing powers of the Chick Springs which ran through the 100-plus acre property. Native Americans who lived along the Enoree River used these spring waters for years before the spring was discovered by White settlers.

The original resort was built in 1840, but it was destroyed in a fire on Nov. 4, 1862. A second rendition of the hotel was built, but it too burned down and was replaced by a third hotel in 1885. This hotel was also destroyed in a fire in 1907 and replaced again in 1914.  This last venture was not very successful, and eventually shuttered its doors as the Great Depression reduced the ability of visitors to afford staying there.”

Others who correctly identified the photo were: Elizabeth Jones, Jay Altman and Nancy Barksdale, all of Columbia; George Graf of Palmyra, Va.; Penny Forrester of Tallahassee, Fla.; David Lupo of Mount Pleasant; and Michael Webb of Hartsville.

  • Send us a mystery picture. If you have a photo that you believe will stump readers, send it along (but  make sure to tell us what it is because it may stump us too!)  Send to: and mark it as a photo submission.  Thanks.

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