Mystery Photo

MYSTERY PHOTO: Playing in the mud

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Here’s a shot of two boys playing in the mud after Tropical Storm Debby dumped a foot of rain.  It should be pretty easy to identify.  So, where is it?  What is it?  Send your name, hometown and guess to:  

Via Flickr.

Last week’s mystery, “Colorful scene,” showed a view in the Oyotunji African Village (OAV) in Beaufort County in a photo by

Allan Peel of San Antonio, Texas, shares these tidbits: “Founded in 1970, the village was built following the traditional architectural styles used by the Yoruba and Dahomey religious tribes from southwestern Nigeria. The village covers 27 acres and has a Yoruba temple that was moved to OAV in 1960 from Harlem, N.Y., when there were only five inhabitants in the community.  During the 1970s, after the community village was officially founded and recognized, the population grew to 200 to 250 people. In the past 10 years, the village population has fluctuated from between five to nine families.”

Only a few intrepid readers correctly identified the mystery, including Barry Wingard of Florence; Curtis Joyner of Charleston; Elizabeth Jones of Columbia; George Graf of Palmyra, Va.; and Pat Keadle of Perry.

  • Send us a mystery picture. If you have a photo that you believe will stump readers, send it along (but  make sure to tell us what it is because it may stump us too!)  Send to: and mark it as a photo submission.  Thanks.

One Comment

  1. Lester Dempsey

    This photo is of the gazebo at the battery in Charleston SC

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