Here’s a lush picture but is it more than a field? If so, what and where is it? Send us your guess of what this photo shows – as well as your name and hometown – to
We got lots of guesses about last week’s mystery photo, “Still the same,” which showed an old rural building with peeling green paint. We thought it might be impossible to identify, but several diligent readers found it to be a vernacular building next to the railroad tracks in the hamlet of Cummings in Hampton County.
Hats off to Allan Peel of San Antonio, Texas, for being first to identify what was a difficult photo to find. “It is located near the intersection of Yemassee Highway (Hwy-68) and Bubbas Dr. (State Rd S-25-541) in the small hamlet of Cummings in Hampton County, SC (GPS coordinates: 32°47’15.4″N 80°59’23.0″W). The photo was shot from between Highway-68 and the railroad track, facing northeast across from the Hampton County Fire/Rescue Station 90.”
Raven Ginn Polk of Hampton writes, “My horse pasture and my sister’s cow pasture is in the background. Very cool to see.”
Others who correctly identified the dilapidated building were: Elizabeth Jones and Jay Altman, both of Columbia; George Graf of Palmyra, Va.; Debbi Butterbaugh of Westminster; Frank Bouknight of Summerville; Bill Segars of Hartsville; and Trish Storey.
- Send us a mystery picture. If you have a photo that you believe will stump readers, send it along (but make sure to tell us what it is because it may stump us too!) Send to: and mark it as a photo submission. Thanks.