Editor’s Note: This editorial appeared Sept. 29 in the Charleston City Paper.
Once upon a time, South Carolina prided itself on pretty good governance at the local and state levels. In Washington, there were seasoned Republicans and Democrats who worked together to build the nation. Sure, there were some hiccups along the way — a bribery scandal in the early 1990s and a few bad ideas here and there.
But what was pretty good governance no longer seems to be the norm in a political environment marked from top to bottom with bitterness, enmity, foul temperaments, division and anti-government rhetoric that pillories the common good and common sense of compromise, fairness, truth and real public service.
Much of today’s raw political climate emanates from Washington after the disastrous presidential term of former President Donald Trump, who fueled maniacal chaos with a narcissistic, negative approach to governing.
Just look today at the lackluster performance of the U.S. House of Representatives where divided Republican leadership is snowballing the nation toward a federal government shutdown. Ridiculous.
Just look at the South Carolina Statehouse where a “Freedom Caucus” fights to push narrow, conservative bills and cause schisms in the kind of blatant grab for power that has made Washington a political mess. In this issue of the City Paper, cartoonist Robert Ariail wryly observes that groups with “freedom” or “liberty” in their name often seem to try to take away freedom and liberty from anyone who doesn’t believe like they do. Ridiculous.
Just look at MAGA zealots who fly flags that say “F*ck Joe Biden,” such as those flapping off pickup trucks and boats. There’s even one along a fence on U.S. Highway 17 in Ravenel that school children ride by daily to get to an elementary school less than a mile away. Again, ridiculous.
And just look at the Charleston County School District Board of Trustees where dysfunction reigns supreme. A Sept. 25 meeting was one of the most embarrassing public displays of no leadership that we’ve ever seen. The right-wing Moms-for-Liberty-backed majority of the board voted to put the new county superintendent, who it approved less than three months ago, on administrative leave pending an investigation which is secret. Again, this board continues to conduct public business in private in violation of state law. Ridiculous.
As one of the trustees in the minority observed, “This is unacceptable. I’ve never seen anything like this before.” But what’s truly unacceptable is how too many public officials don’t respect the rule of law and true public service dedicated to everyone.
It’s time to get back to good governance. It would be smart for all elected officials to complete a course in how to govern, instead of pushing narrow political agendas and wearing blinders to the dozens of people who attend meetings to figure out what no-good they’re up to.
To those who monitor what these public officials are doing — keep up the good work. Keep sounding the alarm. And get people who don’t vote organized so they can kick out the bums. The next election isn’t as far away as they may think.