Staff reports | Charleston business leaders have been urging elected state leaders to set regulatory guidelines for new technologies that are rapidly changing the way financial institutions operate. Following a recent win in funding, South Carolina lawmakers authorized the state treasurer to spend $500,000 to study digital currency literacy.

“The State Treasurer’s Office expects to provide valuable assistance and guidance to both government agencies and the citizens to help them better understand how a fully digital economy can be transformative to our state,” State Treasurer Curtis Loftis said in a prepared statement.
Blockchain technology is a computer-based, ongoing permanent ledger that records transactions and ensures each one is authentic. A digital asset is anything that has a value that can be stored on the blockchain as unique digital data such as a book, music, videos and photographs.
In other recent news:
Federal judge issues stay on Graham subpoena to testify. A South Carolina federal judge has issued a stay to block the execution of a subpoena compelling U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham to testify to a special Georgia grand jury investigating election shenanigans in the 2020 presidential election. U.S. District Judge Henry Herlong will hold a hearing on the subpoena in Greenville on July 20. Graham has denied meddling.
Murdaugh indicted on murder charges. South Carolina on Thursday indicted disgraced former powerful attorney Alex Murdaugh on two counts of murder for killing his son and wife after police re-examined their deaths. For more than a year, the Murdaugh murders on the family’s hunting estate has captivated the nation. Murdaugh’s lawyers issued a statement denying involvement in the murders, saying he had no motivation to kill them.
Gas prices fall below $4 a gallon in Greenville area. As South Carolina gas prices continue to drop, Greenville sees the lowest price per gallon in the last two months.
SC-1: Profile of Dr. Annie Andrews. Meet Dr. Annie Andrews, the Democratic nominee who is trying to oust GOP Rep. Nancy Mace in the state’s First District congressional race. A pediatrician, she says she embraces using science in decision-making.
State has 13,164 new Covid cases in past week. Health officials link rising cases in S.C. to new variants, prompting people to receive the vaccine and boosters. Meanwhile, the head of the World Health Organization says the pandemic is far from over.
Boroughs closer to becoming U.S. attorney. Adair Ford Boroughs, a one time congressional candidate, is one procedural vote away from becoming South Carolina’s U.S. attorney.
Port of Charleston finishes fiscal year with record cargo. After handling 1.58 million containers of cargo this fiscal year, Charleston’s port logged a record high amount of inbound cargo and a 22% jump in imported goods.
Magazine names Charleston No. 1 city for 10th consecutive year. Travel + Leisure magazine has named Charleston the number one city in the word, and number 23 on the list of best cities in the world (the only U.S. city to make the list).
Nearly 4,000 children in S.C. foster care. Some 3,945 kids are currently in custody of the S.C. Department of Social Services. It’s the lowest number in the past five years, but still a strain on workers and foster parents.
Digital currency and blockchain currency is an invasion to a person’s privacy and can be used to control the population by a tyrannical government swelling with self centered power. I don’t like this new fan dangled idea that air can be a form of money based on the value some unseen entity determines. Give me a dollar bill backed by tangible assets sitting in Ft Knox, for a dollar earned and let me hold it, in my own hands.