By Rozalynn Goodwin, special to Statehouse Report | I can’t think of a time when having access to affordable health coverage was more important for the people of South Carolina.

Over the past year, the state’s hospitals and health systems have valiantly led the battle against COVID-19 while continuing their efforts to provide quality primary and preventive care. This includes supporting a variety of efforts, like expanding access to health insurance.
South Carolina’s hospitals are now looking to lead more individuals to a better state of health by supporting a special open enrollment period for marketplace insurance which officially kicked-off on Monday, February 15, and will run for the next three months. I was grateful to be able to host a phone bank at the South Carolina Hospital Association (SCHA) headquarters on the first day of the enrollment period to raise awareness and help provide access to affordable health coverage options. Although I’ve now led our work around open enrollment for almost a decade, my heart still flutters every time I hear from someone who is overcome with joy and relief for having health insurance for the first time in their life.
Even before the pandemic, more than 400,000 South Carolinians were uninsured, and the economic pressures brought on by COVID-19 have only led to higher unemployment and the loss of health care benefits that accompany it. In April 2020, the national unemployment rate more than tripled from 4.4 percent to 14.8 percent, and many business owners will tell you that their enterprises have continued to suffer due to loss of revenue and public health restrictions. As our economy seeks recovery, help is also available for those individuals who lost access to care in 2020 or never had it to begin with.
While recent open enrollment periods have only been 45 days, this special window provides twice that amount of time to make sure that every South Carolinian has the opportunity to get covered. And many will be able to access coverage for little to no cost, as 90 percent of plans purchased in the state received a tax subsidy that averaged $576 a month. More than 230,000 South Carolinians took advantage of this opportunity in 2020, and we know there are more friends, family members and neighbors who need help after the year we’ve been through.
South Carolina’s hospitals and health systems stand ready to work with navigators, insurance brokers and community partners to help spread the word and get people covered in 2021. SCHA is also committed to serve as a resource for our members and our communities to expand outreach and create events to access coverage. SCHA already has another phone bank in the works before the open enrollment period ends on May 15, so please be on the lookout for more opportunities to help our fellow South Carolinians access affordable health insurance. Then you’ll know exactly how I feel every time someone thanks me for helping them achieve a better state of health.
- For more information on open enrollment and to see what options are available, go to or call 888-998-4646. And stay tuned for more details from SCHA as we work with South Carolina’s hospitals and health systems to get people covered in 2021.
Rozalynn Goodwin is vice president of engagement for the S.C. Hospital Association. Have a comment? Send to:
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