This mystery could be tough. This old sign fronts a theater somewhere in South Carolina. Where? Send to And don’t forget to include your name and the town in which you live.
Our previous Mystery Photo
Our Sept. 11 photo, “Lonely building?,” isn’t all that lonely. It’s Darrah Hall, one of several buildings at the historic Penn Center on St. Helena Island in Beaufort County. Mary Greene of Columbia, who identified the photo, reminded us that the Penn Center is “now part of the Reconstruction Park declared by President Obama before he left office.”
Others who correctly identified the photo were: George Graf of Palmyra, Va.; John Hearn and Jay Altman, both of Columbia; David Lupo of Mount Pleasant; Allan Peel of San Antonio, Texas; Henry Eldridge of Tega Cay; Jacie Godfrey and Barry Wingard, both of Florence; Steve Willis of Lancaster; and Carol Corbin of Beaufort.
Graf added: “At the outbreak of the American Civil War in 1861, Union Army forces quickly captured Saint Helena Island, prompting the local plantation owners to flee. The military administration of the island partitioned the old plantations, giving the land to the former slaves who lived there. The Penn School was established in 1862 by Laura Matilda Towne, an abolitionist missionary from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania as a school for the freed slaves, which was named for William Penn, Quaker champion for human liberty and founder of Pennsylvania.”
Send us a mystery: If you have a photo that you believe will stump readers, send it along (but make sure to tell us what it is because it may stump us too!) Send to: and mark it as a photo submission. Thanks.