Editor’s Note: Political marketing consultant and Charleston native Chris Cooper of Convergence Targeted Communications this week sent the following email to Democratic friends and clients. We thought you might find it to be interesting.
By Chris Cooper, republished by permission | Almost 100 years ago the poet T.S. Eliot famously wrote, “April is the cruellest month…” Clearly he had no way of knowing what 2020 would look like. April, May and June all plumbed the depths of death and despair — but also offered glimmers of hope (Mississippi?! … John Roberts?! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ).

In the midst of COVID-19, police brutality and a wannabe despot, we at Convergence stayed focused on our mission to help elect progressive, reform-oriented candidates who can bring change to their communities and our country. We are proud that we helped Black candidates in six states win their primary elections this spring for offices ranging from school board to Congress, including a county council race in my home state of South Carolina.
South Carolina certainly knows a thing or two about racism. I grew up in segregated downtown Charleston, which was a lovely place — if you were white. Racism was open and rampant in white Charleston. It was unavoidable; it was in the air we breathed.
For all its faults, South Carolina has a wonderful state motto: Dum spiro spero. “While I breathe I hope.” That phrase is very meaningful to me. It’s the inscription on my father’s gravestone. As long as we’re on this earth, we can do better. We can be better.
The changing electoral tide across the country represents hope. The Black Lives Matter movement represents hope. “Hope” is sometimes ridiculed among hard-hearted political operatives. I guess that means I’m still an idealist.
The fundamental reason I’m a Democrat is because Democrats fight for racial justice. Sadly, that fight is far from finished. But we also have reason for hope. And for those of us who work in politics, we can use our skills to help make society better, fairer and more just by working to elect the best leaders we can. That’s what we’ll be thinking about this Independence Day, and working on for the next 125 days.
Chris Cooper is the president of Convergence Targeted Communications in Washington, D.C.